Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Big Red

Last week, I received another inquiry about my dog walking services. Even though I now receive these emails/phone calls more regularly, it doesn't diminish my excitement. This particular caller, though, was special. Not only did he live around the block from me, but his dog was 90 pounds. NINETY. POUNDS. This choice bit of info came at the end of our rather lengthy conversation. It was more of a: "hmmm, what else is there to tell you?... Oh yeah, my dog is 90 pounds." click.

There wasn't enough time to process that information and then formulate an appropriate response. After hanging up the phone, I sat there in shocked silence. I had set up a meeting with the dog and his owners for the following day. So, should I tell them ahead of time, that I'm roughly the same size as their dog? Or, should I just show up, let them "laugh it out" and then win them over with my sparkling personality? When it comes down to it, I KNOW that I can handle big dogs, as I've always owned larger dogs. (Note: Larger = 50-60 lbs). I just didn't want to be the laughing stock when they prepare their horse-dog to meet a hefty dog walker and instead, find me with a saddle and lasso.

After much debate with friends and family, I decided to just show up and prove my capabilities. So, the next morning, I woke at 8am and prepared the usual meet-and-greet materials to take with me. With each step, I questioned what the hell I was doing and considered turning around and running home. But somehow I made it to their front door and rang the doorbell. I heard the elevator chime and braced myself, half expecting to see a man in a dog suit bound towards me.

Instead, a gorgeous, rust-colored mix-breed pup, only the size of a golden retriever, trotted over. Although he may BE 90 pounds, he didn't look it. And I knew that this would turn out ok. I met with the owners, won them over (obviously) and signed my newest client! Aptly named "Clifford".


Miss Scarlet said...

aw, clfford:)

Marissa said...

90 pounds?? thats your size! bet clifford is adorable!

Anonymous said...

Better bring X-tra large plastic bags to pick up after Clifford. Nicely written!

nRT said...

Clifford might be taking you for walks. sound like a good dog to add as a customer.