Monday, February 12, 2007


Strange thing happened today.

I was assaulted by two psychotic individuals hailing cell phone pictures of their dogs. I didn’t know these people – actually I had never seen them before in my life. And still, they freaked out, dodged traffic and, arms outstretched, virtually vomited their little pixilated puppies all over me.

One minute, I was enjoying a leisurely walk with Fizzy, the next, I was cooing awkwardly over fuzzy fingerprinted pictures still emulating warmth from the bottom of this stranger's pocket. And no, they didn’t want me to walk their dog... they just wanted me to look at him. After stroking their ego for what seemed like 10 minutes, I walked away feeling used.

Here's the deal: I’m not one to get excited over baby pictures (I’ve often compared them to awkward potatoes with faces), and I’m starting to realize that I just don't want to see random pictures of your dog either. Its not fun. Bring me a dog in person and you wont be able to tear my adorable little paws away from him...but the afternoon cellphone montage just doesn’t do it for me. Its sort of creepy.


k said...

I must agree -that's creepy - especially if you don't know the people!

Marissa said...

That's the definition of creepy!!!

Anonymous said...

almost as scary as people who get e-mail addresses for their dogs!

Erica said...

This is definitely creepy! Were they cute dogs at least? Not that you can really see from cell phone photos!

nRT said...

It takes all kinds of people to make this crazy world and they seem to find you!! when you need help they ingore you but when you want to be left alone, they seek you out.
You can't seem to win

Cheryl said...

Well it is hard to cuddle up to a cell phone...people are strange.